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All Chaos Magick Files
This is a list of every category and file for Chaos Magick available on Chaos Matrix.
What is Chaos Magick?
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An Old Point That Bears Repeating, One of the most insightful and concise explanations of chaos magic to date |
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Chaos, Chaos is the field which underlies all things |
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Chaos Magick, Ray Sherwin's take on chaos, magickal groups, and teaching chaos |
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Chaos Magick and Morality, Uncle Chuckie's take on morality in Chaos Magick |
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Chaos Magick and Punk Rock, The rise and fall of chaos magick analogized to the rise and fall of punk rock |
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Chaos vs. Eclectic Magick, An excellent short explanation of Chaos Magick and Eclectic Magick |
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Crisis Magicians, Orders, Disorders, Lynx, and Lone Wolves, Insight into Orders and Disorders, and the people in them |
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Defining Chaos, Mark Chao's classic essay, a must-read for all chaotes |
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Fireclown's Basic Booklist, A dated but good short review and recommendation of critical Chaos Magick texts |
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The Fluid Continuum --or-- What the F***'s an Egregore?, The relationship between sigils, servitors, egregores, and godforms and their logical progression |
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Go Underground and be a Chaos Magician, An excerpt from "The Exorcist of Revolution" |
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An Introduction to Chaos Magick, A truly awful early chaos magick text about wicca, satanism, ceremonial magick, and chaos magick |
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Intuitive Magic, Peek behind the curtain… |
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Is it Real?, Is magick real? And the obvious answer is… |
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Kaos and Order, The difference between Kaos and chaos, according to Persona Navitae 353 |
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Learning to become a worse chaote, The nine steps to becoming an "I wanna be a black-magick-A.C.-amoral-psychopath" sort of chaos mage |
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Liber CCC, Chaos, Carroll, and Crowley---Fran Nowve's insights into their relationship |
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Models of Magick, The five models of magick with explanations: Spirit model, Energy model, Psychological model, Information model, and Meta model. |
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New Age or Chaos Magick, An excellent examination of the New Age paradigm in contract to Chaos Magick |
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Obituary for the Chaos Current, Stephen Sennitt's premature announcement of the death of chaos magick |
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Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name |
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Philosophical and Practical Objections to Heirarchical Structures in Magick, Ray Sherwin's objection to heirarchy, plublished when the IOT pact structure was instituted |
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The Vortex Rite, The Swiss-Army Knife of magickal spells |
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What is the Eschaton?, Clearing up common questions about the eschaton and its immanence |
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The Wishing Well, Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos |
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Why Chaotes are Such Assholes, Insight into why chaotes are perceived negatively |
Rituals, Workings, Spells, and Techniques
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Thee Awful Invokation of Tzeentch, An invocation of the Changer Of The Ways, Lord Of Fortune And Intrigue, Master Of All Like Things Whether Petty Or Profound |
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Azathoth/Mainframe Rite, The Azathoth/Mainframe Rite. No more need be said. |
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The Barbarous Tongue Generation Rite, A ritual to channel new Ouranian Barbaric words |
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Beyond The Wall Of Sleep Rite, Learning and attaining strong states of Gnosis |
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Blinding the Red Eye, To conceal a subject from those who would cause harm |
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Channelling Ouranian, Creating new Ouranian Barbaric words with Scrabble tiles |
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Chaos Excursion, A chaos elemental working of the disk (earth) |
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Chaos Monasticism, A chaos elemental working of the staff (fire) |
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The Chaos Trophy, A chaos elemental working of the egg (spirit) |
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Creating a Shoggoth, Creating your own shoggoth/tulpa |
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Cthulhu Ftagn!, A dream ritual with the intent to come into contact with Creath Cthulhu |
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Dark Matter at Hand, For understanding the dark matter of the mind |
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Demon Square, A protective magickal device for those who feel uncomfortable with conventional methods |
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DNA Scry, An exercise in genetic magick |
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Dream Recall Exercise, A method to increase your dream recall abilities |
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The Eucharista of Chaos, A chaos elemental working of the cup (water) |
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Evocation of the Dark One, A dark, spooky, gothic incantation |
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Fotamecus Empowerment Rite, The ritual that empowered Fotamecus to the point of egregore-hood |
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Gnostic Pentagram Ritual, A basic banishing ritual from Peter Carroll |
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The Gnostic Thunderbolt, A basic chaos magick banishing ritual |
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Group Energy Projection Exercise, Basic exercises in visualization and energy projection for groups |
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The Jihad of Chaos, A chaos elemental working of the sword (air) |
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Liber Aeldor, When D&D Characters meet Chaos Magick |
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The Mass of Chaos "H", A short ritual to ground out after a heavy session by invoking humor |
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The Mass of Choronzon, An Invocation of the personal ego or false Holy Guardian Angel, for the purpose of casting ones entire will as an Enchantment upon reality. |
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Milosh's Triangular Veins Ward, A strong ward to anchor on firm objects like doors and chests |
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The Nemesis Conjuration, Confronting your personal nemesis to understand problem areas of the psyche |
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The Oracle of Chaos, A chaos elemental working of the cup (water) |
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The Ouranos Rite, A basic invocation of Ouranos (Uranus) |
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Portal Passing, A locksmithing ritual |
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A Quick Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Learn to lucid dream within 30 days through habit-formation |
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The Rite of Communion of Cthulhu, Invoking Cthulhu for the purposes of Communion |
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The Rite of Televangelical Gnosis, Attaining vacuity and sigil-transmission utilizing television evangelists |
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The Rite of Transmutational Sorcery, Causing changes in perception using the aestheticism of the Mythos of the Dark Gods |
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The Rites of Cyberspace, Working with XaTuring, Lord of Computing |
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The Sending of Eight, A multi-purpose chaostar ritual that requires eight people |
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Signal Working, Manifestation through subliminal promulgation |
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Skullfuck: An Exercise in Dream Recall, Dream recall aided by sexual gnosis and visualization |
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Strength Spell, A ritual to make yourself stronger |
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Summoning: Nuclear Elemental, Why limit yourself to the basic elements when you can summon a Nuclear Elemental? |
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Time Consumption -or- Yet Another Fotamecus Rite, Drawing the power of Fotamecus into yourself through kitchen magick |
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Undine Evocation, to create or draw an undine from water and send it off into the Digital Aethyr |
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The Vortex Rite, The Swiss-Army Knife of magickal spells |
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The Wishing Well, Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos |
Sigils, Servitors, Egregores, and Godforms
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Acoustic Sigils, A method for making musical or acoustic sigils |
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Action Sigils, Ray Sherwin's method for sigilisation |
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Apikorsus, An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick |
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Austin Osman Spare and his Theory of Sigils, Frater U:.D:. demonstrates Austin Spare's methods of sigilisation |
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Baphomet Dual Sigil Rave Invocation, Hurling invocations between two participants |
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The Book of Pleasure (Self Love) -- The Psychology of Ecstasy, Spare's Magick--- sigils, the alphabet of desire, and more |
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Demons in the 'Net, An explanation of the famed 1994 TIAMAT working to banish demons from the internet---and the demons' retaliation |
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Don't Blame Me---Blame My Servitor, A history of the creation and evolution of the Fotamecus Time Manipulation Spirit |
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Egregore, Notes on the role of the historical egregore in modern magick |
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Egregore Definition Compilation, A compilation of various definitions of an egregore |
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Fireclown's Sigilization Basics for the Confused, Sigils got you confused? Sort it out with this short essay. |
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The Fluid Continuum --or-- What the F***'s an Egregore?, The relationship between sigils, servitors, egregores, and godforms and their logical progression |
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Fotamecus Empowerment Rite, The ritual that empowered Fotamecus to the point of egregore-hood |
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Fotamecus: Viral Time Compression/Expansion Servitor, The original Fotamecus Time Manipulation essay |
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The Living Servitor, How to take care of your servitors |
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Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name |
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The Santa Egregore, Contrary to popular belief, Santa Claus is quite real... |
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Servitor Creation: A Contemporary Approach, Fleshing out and empowering a skeletal sigil to create a servitor |
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Sigils, Servitors, and Godforms, Part I: Sigils, Part I (sigils) of Marik's insightful essay |
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Sigils, Servitors, and Godforms, Part II: Servitors, Part II (servitors) of Marik's insightful essay |
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Smuggling Sigils Across, Casting sigils for clients |
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Time Consumption -or- Yet Another Fotamecus Rite, Drawing the power of Fotamecus into yourself through kitchen magick |
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A Z(cluster) Servitor Thread, An early z-list thread about servitors |
Austin Osman Spare (writing and art)
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Aida, An essay about Spare's 1954 painting "Aida" |
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The Anathema of Zos: The Sermon of the Hypocrite, by Austin Osman Spare |
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Austin Osman Spare's Obituary, by Kenneth Grant |
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Austin Osman Spare on Science and Money, Excerpts from Spare's essay "Mind to Mind and How" |
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Austin Osman Spare and his Theory of Sigils, by Frater U.D. |
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Austin Osman Spare and the Zos Kia Cultus, by Kenneth Grant |
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Blackout and Gnosis, on gnosis and A.O. Spare's Death Posture |
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The Book of Pleasure (Self Love) -- The Psychology of Ecstasy, by Austin Osman Spare |
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Caduceus Books A.O. Spare Listings, A February 2000 Catalog of some of Spare's sketches, with images |
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The Focus of Life, by Austin Osman Spare |
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Interpreting Zos Kia Cultus, by The Sinister Minister |
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The Sorceries of Zos, by Kenneth Grant |
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Spare as Tantrika, Possible connections between Spare's magick and Tantra |
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A Painting of Austin Osman Spare |
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Couple, Watercolor, pen and ink |
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Green Lady, Watercolor, 1933 |
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Magical Stele, Pen and ink, 1955 |
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Self-Portrait, Oil on wood, 1911 |
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Night Fantasia, Watercolor, pen and ink |
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Dressing the Wounded During a Gas Attack, Pastel |
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Totem, Watercolor, 1953 |
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The Aeon of Cthulhu Rising, The truth about the New Aeon that is upon us |
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Azathoth/Mainframe Rite, The Azathoth/Mainframe Rite. No more need be said. |
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The Book of the Key, A text regarding Zin |
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Calling Cthulhu: H.P. Lovecraft's Magick Realism, Examining H.P. Lovecraft and the influence that his writings have had |
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Creating a Shoggoth, Creating your own shoggoth/tulpa |
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Comments on the Necronomicon, An excerpt from "Babyloniana" |
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Cthulhu Ftagn!, A dream ritual with the intent to come into contact with Creath Cthulhu |
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Cthulhu Look and Feel Suit, The Elder Attorneys file suit against Microsoft |
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Cthulhu Song, To the tune of "Camptown Races" |
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Cthulhu Madness, The true power behind Lovecraftian Magick |
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Cthulhu for Morons, An ad for the latest Cthulhu book |
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Cthulhu Rap, Awonderfully hilarious rap about Cthulhu |
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Elder Seal 1, A web graphic of the Elder Seal---Use it to protect your website! |
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Elder Seal 2, Another web graphic of the Elder Seal---Use it to protect your website! |
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From the Arkham Advertiser Editorial Pages, The Editor of the Arkham Advertiser responds to a letter questioning the existence of Cthulhu |
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Interdimensional Warfare?, Some look to the Necronomicon for answers to alien abductions!!! |
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Jumbo Shrimp, Military Intelligence, Cthulhu Wicca, Is Cthulhu Wicca a joke or not? |
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Kathulu Majik, The Cthulonic pantheon viewed as agents of balance |
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The Necronomicon, Yet another version of the fabled tome, this one from an early BBS |
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Neophilic Irreligions, A Master's Thesis on the topic of Discordianism, The Church of the Subgeius, and Cthulhu Cults |
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The Rite of Communion of Cthulhu, Invoking Cthulhu for the purposes of Communion |
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The Rite of Transmutational Sorcery, Causing changes in perception using the aestheticism of the Mythos of the Dark Gods |
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There Ain't No Necronomicon!, A song about the non-existence of the dreaded tome |
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What are the Elder Gods?, Just in case you didn't already know |
Ouranian Barbaric
Chaos Science
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Chaos, Chaos Theory and Chaos Science |
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Chaos Theory: A Brief Introduction, containing info on strange attractors, sensitive dependence, and the history of chaos |
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Finding Order in Chaos, a paper on chaos and complexity theory, info on fractals |
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Fractal FAQ, from sci.fractals, More than you ever wanted to know about fractals |
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The Nonlinear Science FAQ, A huge file of information relevent to chaos science |
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Thriving in Chaos, Notes from a class in chaos theory |
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The Wishing Well, Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos |
Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY)
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Anger Rising, Interview of Kenneth Anger |
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Balance ov Control, How to escape thee inferno ov thee normal whilst remaining ordinary |
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Bridge Magick, Using bridges as possible places of power for magick |
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Greybook, An introduction to the Temple ov Psychick Youth |
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Magick, How gnosis is accessibly to everyone, not just adepts |
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Music, Magic, & Media Mischief, The Gnosis interview with Genesis P-Orridge |
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Three stories ov thee Coyote, Native american tales about Coyote |
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Topy Transmission 0, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission I, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 0.75, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.00, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.01, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.02, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.03, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.04, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.05, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.06, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.07, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 1.09, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 4.01, Topy Online Transmission |
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Topy Transmission 4.02, Topy Online Transmission |
Peter Carroll/IOT
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Chaoism and Chaos Magick: A Personal View, Peter Carroll's personal views on what chaos magick is |
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Chaos Magick Review: Liber Null and Psychonaut, More excerpts from Peter Carroll's works |
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Formation of IOT Notice, The first notice of IOT formation |
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Ice Magick Wars, Some insight into the war involving Helmut, Carroll, and U:.D:. |
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Liber CCC, Chaos, Carroll, and Crowley---Fran Nowve's insights into their relationship |
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Liber KKK, A systematic training program in Evocation, Divination, Enchantment, Invocation and Illumination |
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Liber MMM, Basic exercises in magick, for anyone who wants to learn the arts |
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Liber Pactionis, The structure of the IOT Pact |
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The Magick of Chaos, Carroll rants about chaos, Crowley, science, religion, antinomianism, and Scientist Magicians |
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The Magus, Carroll rants about the different types of Magus one might find |
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Miscellaneous Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works, Excerpts from Peter Carroll's works |
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The Pact (IOT) - The Story So Far, The creation of the IOT as told by Peter Carroll |
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Paradigm Shifts and Aeonics, The Transcendental, Materialist, and Magickal paradigms compared and contrasted. |
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Principia Chaotica: Chaos Magic for the Pandaemonaeon, Carroll ranting on belief and chaos |
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Psybercrap, A short jibe at Peter Carroll's book "Psybermagick" |
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The Psycho-Historic Mechanism of the Aeons, Carroll's theory of aeonics and aeonic currents |
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Rituals and Spell Objectives and Design in Eight Magicks, Carroll's eight-color theory of magick based on the chaos-star and Terry Pratchett |
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Sleight of Mind, Peter Carroll's Sleight of Mind techniques |
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Where do we go from here?, Trying to second-guess occult revivals |
Frater U:.D:.
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Austin Osman Spare and his Theory of Sigils, by Frater U.D. |
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Egregore, Notes on the role of the historical egregore in modern magick |
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Ice Magic, an initial view, A look at Ice Magick and an introduction to a larger book |
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Ice Magick Wars, Some insight into the war involving Helmut, Carroll, and U:.D:. |
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Letter From Germany No. 1, A look at German Occultism |
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Letter From Germany No. 2, A further look at German Occultism |
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Models of Magick, The five models of magick with explanations: Spirit model, Energy model, Psychological model, Information model, and Meta model. |
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Apikorsus, An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick |
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The Apocrypha Discordia, A companion volume to the Principia. |
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Butt Prints in the Sand, "One night I had a wondrous dream..." |
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Defining Fnords, What are fnords, anyway? |
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Discordian Date PERL File, For calculating discordian dates, holydays, etc. |
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Discordian Futhark, Consisting of, or course, just five runes |
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Erisian Fiction, A piece of Erisian fiction. Suitably Discordian, hard to explain |
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In Praise of Trinity, A discordian-inspired theorem that 3 is the most magnificent of all numbers |
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Neophilic Irreligions, A Master's Thesis on the topic of Discordianism, The Church of the Subgeius, and Cthulhu Cults |
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Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name |
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The Principia Discordia, The bible of discordianism. |
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The Stupid Book, A channelled text from Eris |
Chaos Magick Miscellany
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Absurd Speculations, The absurd speculations that give chaos magicians a bad name |
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Aetherics, Max K's perspectives on aetherics |
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Aetherics Discussion on Damascus MUSH, Log file of a long discussion about aetherics and its use in magick |
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Anti-Banishing, What constitutes a banishing ritual, anyway? |
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Aspects of Chaosophy, Notes on Chaosophy from a member of the Moorish Orthodox Church |
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Baphomet, One magician's perspective on working with this deity |
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Basic Instructions In Self-hypnosis, Inducing self-hypnotic states for use in magick |
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Cacodemonic Copulations, Conjuring and creating a demon lover for use in magick |
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Cajegne Tajeed, A Ouranian Barbaric christmas carol to the tune of "Silent Night" |
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Carousels and Chaos Magick and Manifestation of Magick, An experiential writing about a symbolic dream |
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Chaos and Mr. E -- Don Webb Interviews Edred Thorsson, Edred Thorsson talks about Seidhr (seething), Ginnung, Chaos, Galdr, and more |
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Chaos Bells, "Jingle Bells" for the chaotically-minded |
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Chaos Lawyers, If lawyers wrote magick spells |
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Chaos vs. Thelema?, On the differences between Chaos Magick and Thelema |
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Comments on Ray Sherwin's Observations on Heirarchy in Majikal Practice, Martin Knutsen's comments on Sherwin's "Philosophical and Practical Objections to Heirarchical Structures in Magick" |
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Counting Coup: Magical Combat for Fun and Training, A good way for magicians to get experience at a rarely taught magickal practice |
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Crazy Chaos Surfer finds Personal Magickal Path, Thoughts on the discovery and pursuit of a personal path of magickal development |
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Cross the Abyss?, There is no such thing as the Abyss, and crossing it was wondrous |
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The Demiorgeous, Blind Idiot God, The gnostics and the tetragrammaton |
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Dreaming Across Time, Parallel selves, dreaming, and creative derangement |
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On Dreamscaping, An experimental guide to the programming and control of dreams |
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Enlightenment As Everyday Life, Finding enlightenment as an intrinsic element of life instead of a transcendent one |
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Ersatz Reality, A short rant about the nature of reality |
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Exactly What Constitutes a Magickal Link?, Creating and using magickal links to affect things such as corporations |
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Farewell to Burroughs, A fellow pact-member bids farewell to WSB |
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Gematria of Nothing, An English Gematria that has become popular among several chaotes |
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The Great Little Seafood Place of the Beast, Is Aleister Crowley alive and well in Valley, Alabama? |
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Howling, Exploring the personal demons of the psyche |
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Imagination, Beliefs, and "Rightness", Making distinctions, and recognizing value judgements |
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Interpretation of Psychic Episodes, Exercising skepticism before jumping to psychic ability as a conclusion |
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Into Thee Vortex, Kaos Magick---yet another perspective. |
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K-Balls Explained, Chaotic irreverence for qabala |
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Kaos Kabbalah, Qabala from a chaos-inspired mind |
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Kaos Klub, Learning chaos magick to impress high school friends |
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Kaos Majik Journal (Spring 1999), Kaos Majik Journal, Spring 1999 |
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Kinesthetic Magick, Body sensations and their use in magick |
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King of the Castle: Magical Orders and Internal Schisms, Working with magickal groups |
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Kiss the Sky! A Tantric Text on Channeling Babalon, Tantric Magick and the Babalon current |
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Magick and Murder, Historic Legal Precedents for Magick and Murder |
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Magickal Links: How To Attack a Corporate Entity, Creating sufficient links to perform magick on a target |
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Musings on Modern Economics, The Church of Economics viewed with a hermetic twist |
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Naked Lunch' novelist William S. Burroughs, dead at 83, The AP press release about WSB's death |
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Neophilic Irreligions, A Master's Thesis on the topic of Discordianism, The Church of the Subgeius, and Cthulhu Cults |
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Nothing Rant, Seek your desire and be damned |
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Occam's Brillo Pad, Empirical data, speculation, and Occam's Brillo Pad |
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Order and Chaos Essay, A piece of socratic logic regarding order and chaos |
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Pandaemonaeon, Information, and Social Structures, An examination of the pandaeomonaeon |
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Pandaemonaeon Magicks, Various items extracted from Phil Hine's "Prime Chaos" |
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Parsons and Majestic-12, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Crowley, Majestic-12, the OTO, Scientology, Holes in space-time, Aliens, Naval Intelligentsia, and the Immanentization of the Eschaton---it's all a conspiracy! |
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Possession, Causing and utilizing states of possession in magick |
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Perceiving Energy, Insights into linguistic limitations of perception |
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The Power of Mediocrity, Why the mundane man will always overpower the magickal man |
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Practical Applications of the Chaosphere, Different neat things to do with a chaosphere |
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The Problem with Magick Books, What gets recycled in most books about magick |
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Rhaven's Alphabet, An example of a self-created magickal alphabet for personal use |
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Satan Scare, What happens when good kids (whether satanist or chaote) try to be bad and evil |
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Sensible Perspectives on Egolessness, Excerpt from Ken Wilber's "One Taste" about what "transcending" the ego really means |
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Sex, but…not, A few simple tantric exercises |
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A Short Note About Crossing The Abyss, The Abyss and Fear |
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Sigil Structures, The Ka/OS approach to magick |
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Skepticism, A Skeptical approach to magick as the necessary beginning to prove to yourself that magick is real. |
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Source of "Immanentize the Eschaton", Insight into the source and meaning of the chaos magick catch-phrase "Immanentize the Eschaton" |
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Supradimensionality, Attempting to understand and visualize greater physical dimensions |
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Surreal Games, Surrealist games to spice up that next meeting of your magickal group |
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Things You Don't Want to Hear a Chaos Magician Say, But you've probably heard them anyway |
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Three Opinions Regarding the Abyss, Hickory, Dickory, and Dock offer their opinions |
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Tools as Crutches, Discarding ritual tools to get at the "whole" truth |
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Training, One magicians perspective on training in magick |
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Questions and Answers on the Z(cluster), A few questions are answered about the Z(cluster) |
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A Quick Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Learn to lucid dream within 30 days through habit-formation |
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What is Satanism?, Clearing up all the common misconceptions |
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Yes/No/I-Don't-Know: Simultaneous Belief, Seeing all sides and keeping a level head in every situation |
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A Young Man's View of Chaos Magick in the Early 90's, Looking back at an entry into chaos magick |
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Z-Chronicles 1.1, The first publication of the Z(cluster) |
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Z-Chronicles 2.1, The second publication of the Z(cluster) |
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Zen Werewolf's Tarot, A personally created tarot based on personal symbology |
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ZMA Lectures, A lecture about magick given at the College Invisible |