[ C h a o s   M a t r i x ]
Chaos Magick
   All Chaos Magick Files
   What is Chaos Magick?
   Rituals, Workings, Spells, Techniques
   Sigils, Servitors, Egregores, Godforms
   Austin Osman Spare (writing and art)
   Ouranian Barbaric
   Chaos Science
   Temple ov Psychick Youth (TOPY)
   Peter Carroll/IOT
   Frater U:.D:.
   Chaos Magick Miscellany
Other Magick
Occult Humor
Digital Books
All Chaos Magick Files

This is a list of every category and file for Chaos Magick available on Chaos Matrix.

What is Chaos Magick?
* An Old Point That Bears Repeating, One of the most insightful and concise explanations of chaos magic to date
* Chaos, Chaos is the field which underlies all things
* Chaos Magick, Ray Sherwin's take on chaos, magickal groups, and teaching chaos
* Chaos Magick and Morality, Uncle Chuckie's take on morality in Chaos Magick
* Chaos Magick and Punk Rock, The rise and fall of chaos magick analogized to the rise and fall of punk rock
* Chaos vs. Eclectic Magick, An excellent short explanation of Chaos Magick and Eclectic Magick
* Crisis Magicians, Orders, Disorders, Lynx, and Lone Wolves, Insight into Orders and Disorders, and the people in them
* Defining Chaos, Mark Chao's classic essay, a must-read for all chaotes
* Fireclown's Basic Booklist, A dated but good short review and recommendation of critical Chaos Magick texts
* The Fluid Continuum --or-- What the F***'s an Egregore?, The relationship between sigils, servitors, egregores, and godforms and their logical progression
* Go Underground and be a Chaos Magician, An excerpt from "The Exorcist of Revolution"
* An Introduction to Chaos Magick, A truly awful early chaos magick text about wicca, satanism, ceremonial magick, and chaos magick
* Intuitive Magic, Peek behind the curtain…
* Is it Real?, Is magick real? And the obvious answer is…
* Kaos and Order, The difference between Kaos and chaos, according to Persona Navitae 353
* Learning to become a worse chaote, The nine steps to becoming an "I wanna be a black-magick-A.C.-amoral-psychopath" sort of chaos mage
* Liber CCC, Chaos, Carroll, and Crowley---Fran Nowve's insights into their relationship
* Models of Magick, The five models of magick with explanations: Spirit model, Energy model, Psychological model, Information model, and Meta model.
* New Age or Chaos Magick, An excellent examination of the New Age paradigm in contract to Chaos Magick
* Obituary for the Chaos Current, Stephen Sennitt's premature announcement of the death of chaos magick
* Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name
* Philosophical and Practical Objections to Heirarchical Structures in Magick, Ray Sherwin's objection to heirarchy, plublished when the IOT pact structure was instituted
* The Vortex Rite, The Swiss-Army Knife of magickal spells
* What is the Eschaton?, Clearing up common questions about the eschaton and its immanence
* The Wishing Well, Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos
* Why Chaotes are Such Assholes, Insight into why chaotes are perceived negatively

Rituals, Workings, Spells, and Techniques
* Thee Awful Invokation of Tzeentch, An invocation of the Changer Of The Ways, Lord Of Fortune And Intrigue, Master Of All Like Things Whether Petty Or Profound
* Azathoth/Mainframe Rite, The Azathoth/Mainframe Rite. No more need be said.
* The Barbarous Tongue Generation Rite, A ritual to channel new Ouranian Barbaric words
* Beyond The Wall Of Sleep Rite, Learning and attaining strong states of Gnosis
* Blinding the Red Eye, To conceal a subject from those who would cause harm
* Channelling Ouranian, Creating new Ouranian Barbaric words with Scrabble tiles
* Chaos Excursion, A chaos elemental working of the disk (earth)
* Chaos Monasticism, A chaos elemental working of the staff (fire)
* The Chaos Trophy, A chaos elemental working of the egg (spirit)
* Creating a Shoggoth, Creating your own shoggoth/tulpa
* Cthulhu Ftagn!, A dream ritual with the intent to come into contact with Creath Cthulhu
* Dark Matter at Hand, For understanding the dark matter of the mind
* Demon Square, A protective magickal device for those who feel uncomfortable with conventional methods
* DNA Scry, An exercise in genetic magick
* Dream Recall Exercise, A method to increase your dream recall abilities
* The Eucharista of Chaos, A chaos elemental working of the cup (water)
* Evocation of the Dark One, A dark, spooky, gothic incantation
* Fotamecus Empowerment Rite, The ritual that empowered Fotamecus to the point of egregore-hood
* Gnostic Pentagram Ritual, A basic banishing ritual from Peter Carroll
* The Gnostic Thunderbolt, A basic chaos magick banishing ritual
* Group Energy Projection Exercise, Basic exercises in visualization and energy projection for groups
* The Jihad of Chaos, A chaos elemental working of the sword (air)
* Liber Aeldor, When D&D Characters meet Chaos Magick
* The Mass of Chaos "H", A short ritual to ground out after a heavy session by invoking humor
* The Mass of Choronzon, An Invocation of the personal ego or false Holy Guardian Angel, for the purpose of casting ones entire will as an Enchantment upon reality.
* Milosh's Triangular Veins Ward, A strong ward to anchor on firm objects like doors and chests
* The Nemesis Conjuration, Confronting your personal nemesis to understand problem areas of the psyche
* The Oracle of Chaos, A chaos elemental working of the cup (water)
* The Ouranos Rite, A basic invocation of Ouranos (Uranus)
* Portal Passing, A locksmithing ritual
* A Quick Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Learn to lucid dream within 30 days through habit-formation
* The Rite of Communion of Cthulhu, Invoking Cthulhu for the purposes of Communion
* The Rite of Televangelical Gnosis, Attaining vacuity and sigil-transmission utilizing television evangelists
* The Rite of Transmutational Sorcery, Causing changes in perception using the aestheticism of the Mythos of the Dark Gods
* The Rites of Cyberspace, Working with XaTuring, Lord of Computing
* The Sending of Eight, A multi-purpose chaostar ritual that requires eight people
* Signal Working, Manifestation through subliminal promulgation
* Skullfuck: An Exercise in Dream Recall, Dream recall aided by sexual gnosis and visualization
* Strength Spell, A ritual to make yourself stronger
* Summoning: Nuclear Elemental, Why limit yourself to the basic elements when you can summon a Nuclear Elemental?
* Time Consumption -or- Yet Another Fotamecus Rite, Drawing the power of Fotamecus into yourself through kitchen magick
* Undine Evocation, to create or draw an undine from water and send it off into the Digital Aethyr
* The Vortex Rite, The Swiss-Army Knife of magickal spells
* The Wishing Well, Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos

Sigils, Servitors, Egregores, and Godforms
* Acoustic Sigils, A method for making musical or acoustic sigils
* Action Sigils, Ray Sherwin's method for sigilisation
* Apikorsus, An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick
* Austin Osman Spare and his Theory of Sigils, Frater U:.D:. demonstrates Austin Spare's methods of sigilisation
* Baphomet Dual Sigil Rave Invocation, Hurling invocations between two participants
* The Book of Pleasure (Self Love) -- The Psychology of Ecstasy, Spare's Magick--- sigils, the alphabet of desire, and more
* Demons in the 'Net, An explanation of the famed 1994 TIAMAT working to banish demons from the internet---and the demons' retaliation
* Don't Blame Me---Blame My Servitor, A history of the creation and evolution of the Fotamecus Time Manipulation Spirit
* Egregore, Notes on the role of the historical egregore in modern magick
* Egregore Definition Compilation, A compilation of various definitions of an egregore
* Fireclown's Sigilization Basics for the Confused, Sigils got you confused? Sort it out with this short essay.
* The Fluid Continuum --or-- What the F***'s an Egregore?, The relationship between sigils, servitors, egregores, and godforms and their logical progression
* Fotamecus Empowerment Rite, The ritual that empowered Fotamecus to the point of egregore-hood
* Fotamecus: Viral Time Compression/Expansion Servitor, The original Fotamecus Time Manipulation essay
* The Living Servitor, How to take care of your servitors
* Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name
* The Santa Egregore, Contrary to popular belief, Santa Claus is quite real...
* Servitor Creation: A Contemporary Approach, Fleshing out and empowering a skeletal sigil to create a servitor
* Sigils, Servitors, and Godforms, Part I: Sigils, Part I (sigils) of Marik's insightful essay
* Sigils, Servitors, and Godforms, Part II: Servitors, Part II (servitors) of Marik's insightful essay
* Smuggling Sigils Across, Casting sigils for clients
* Time Consumption -or- Yet Another Fotamecus Rite, Drawing the power of Fotamecus into yourself through kitchen magick
* A Z(cluster) Servitor Thread, An early z-list thread about servitors

* Apikorsus, An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick
* Blackout and Sigils, An explanation of the Death Posture
* Chaos Magick Review: Liber Null and Psychonaut, More excerpts from Peter Carroll's works
* Testing… In Color!, A short missive about gnosis
* An Essay on the Experience of Gnosis, The experience of gnosis by exhaustion
* What is Gnosis?, Tzimon's short definition and explanation of gnosis

Austin Osman Spare (writing and art)
* Aida, An essay about Spare's 1954 painting "Aida"
* The Anathema of Zos: The Sermon of the Hypocrite, by Austin Osman Spare
* Austin Osman Spare's Obituary, by Kenneth Grant
* Austin Osman Spare on Science and Money, Excerpts from Spare's essay "Mind to Mind and How"
* Austin Osman Spare and his Theory of Sigils, by Frater U.D.
* Austin Osman Spare and the Zos Kia Cultus, by Kenneth Grant
* Blackout and Gnosis, on gnosis and A.O. Spare's Death Posture
* The Book of Pleasure (Self Love) -- The Psychology of Ecstasy, by Austin Osman Spare
* Caduceus Books A.O. Spare Listings, A February 2000 Catalog of some of Spare's sketches, with images
* The Focus of Life, by Austin Osman Spare
* Interpreting Zos Kia Cultus, by The Sinister Minister
* The Sorceries of Zos, by Kenneth Grant
* Spare as Tantrika, Possible connections between Spare's magick and Tantra
* A Painting of Austin Osman Spare
* Couple, Watercolor, pen and ink
* Green Lady, Watercolor, 1933
* Magical Stele, Pen and ink, 1955
* Self-Portrait, Oil on wood, 1911
* Night Fantasia, Watercolor, pen and ink
* Dressing the Wounded During a Gas Attack, Pastel
* Totem, Watercolor, 1953

* The Aeon of Cthulhu Rising, The truth about the New Aeon that is upon us
* Azathoth/Mainframe Rite, The Azathoth/Mainframe Rite. No more need be said.
* The Book of the Key, A text regarding Zin
* Calling Cthulhu: H.P. Lovecraft's Magick Realism, Examining H.P. Lovecraft and the influence that his writings have had
* Creating a Shoggoth, Creating your own shoggoth/tulpa
* Comments on the Necronomicon, An excerpt from "Babyloniana"
* Cthulhu Ftagn!, A dream ritual with the intent to come into contact with Creath Cthulhu
* Cthulhu Look and Feel Suit, The Elder Attorneys file suit against Microsoft
* Cthulhu Song, To the tune of "Camptown Races"
* Cthulhu Madness, The true power behind Lovecraftian Magick
* Cthulhu for Morons, An ad for the latest Cthulhu book
* Cthulhu Rap, Awonderfully hilarious rap about Cthulhu
* Elder Seal 1, A web graphic of the Elder Seal---Use it to protect your website!
* Elder Seal 2, Another web graphic of the Elder Seal---Use it to protect your website!
* From the Arkham Advertiser Editorial Pages, The Editor of the Arkham Advertiser responds to a letter questioning the existence of Cthulhu
* Interdimensional Warfare?, Some look to the Necronomicon for answers to alien abductions!!!
* Jumbo Shrimp, Military Intelligence, Cthulhu Wicca, Is Cthulhu Wicca a joke or not?
* Kathulu Majik, The Cthulonic pantheon viewed as agents of balance
* The Necronomicon, Yet another version of the fabled tome, this one from an early BBS
* Neophilic Irreligions, A Master's Thesis on the topic of Discordianism, The Church of the Subgeius, and Cthulhu Cults
* The Rite of Communion of Cthulhu, Invoking Cthulhu for the purposes of Communion
* The Rite of Transmutational Sorcery, Causing changes in perception using the aestheticism of the Mythos of the Dark Gods
* There Ain't No Necronomicon!, A song about the non-existence of the dreaded tome
* What are the Elder Gods?, Just in case you didn't already know

Ouranian Barbaric
* The Barbarous Tongue Generation Rite, A ritual to channel new Ouranian Barbaric words
* Cajegne Tajeed, A Ouranian Barbaric christmas carol sung to the tune of "Silent Night"
* Channelling Ouranian, Creating new Ouranian Barbaric words with Scrabble tiles
* The Ouranian Barbaric Dictionary, The definitive Ouranian Barbaric dictionary with all the latest updates
* Ouranian Barbaric FAQ 3.0, Questions and Answers about Ouranian Barbaric, the proprietary language of chaos magicians
* Ouranian Barbaric and the Use of Barbarous Tongues, An examination of various topics about the Ouranian Barbaric language
* The Ouranos Rite, A basic invocation of Ouranos (Uranus)

Chaos Science
* Chaos, Chaos Theory and Chaos Science
* Chaos Theory: A Brief Introduction, containing info on strange attractors, sensitive dependence, and the history of chaos
* Finding Order in Chaos, a paper on chaos and complexity theory, info on fractals
* Fractal FAQ, from sci.fractals, More than you ever wanted to know about fractals
* The Nonlinear Science FAQ, A huge file of information relevent to chaos science
* Thriving in Chaos, Notes from a class in chaos theory
* The Wishing Well, Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos

Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY)
* Anger Rising, Interview of Kenneth Anger
* Balance ov Control, How to escape thee inferno ov thee normal whilst remaining ordinary
* Bridge Magick, Using bridges as possible places of power for magick
* Greybook, An introduction to the Temple ov Psychick Youth
* Magick, How gnosis is accessibly to everyone, not just adepts
* Music, Magic, & Media Mischief, The Gnosis interview with Genesis P-Orridge
* Three stories ov thee Coyote, Native american tales about Coyote
* Topy Transmission 0, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission I, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 0.75, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.00, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.01, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.02, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.03, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.04, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.05, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.06, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.07, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 1.09, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 4.01, Topy Online Transmission
* Topy Transmission 4.02, Topy Online Transmission

Peter Carroll/IOT
* Chaoism and Chaos Magick: A Personal View, Peter Carroll's personal views on what chaos magick is
* Chaos Magick Review: Liber Null and Psychonaut, More excerpts from Peter Carroll's works
* Formation of IOT Notice, The first notice of IOT formation
* Ice Magick Wars, Some insight into the war involving Helmut, Carroll, and U:.D:.
* Liber CCC, Chaos, Carroll, and Crowley---Fran Nowve's insights into their relationship
* Liber KKK, A systematic training program in Evocation, Divination, Enchantment, Invocation and Illumination
* Liber MMM, Basic exercises in magick, for anyone who wants to learn the arts
* Liber Pactionis, The structure of the IOT Pact
* The Magick of Chaos, Carroll rants about chaos, Crowley, science, religion, antinomianism, and Scientist Magicians
* The Magus, Carroll rants about the different types of Magus one might find
* Miscellaneous Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works, Excerpts from Peter Carroll's works
* The Pact (IOT) - The Story So Far, The creation of the IOT as told by Peter Carroll
* Paradigm Shifts and Aeonics, The Transcendental, Materialist, and Magickal paradigms compared and contrasted.
* Principia Chaotica: Chaos Magic for the Pandaemonaeon, Carroll ranting on belief and chaos
* Psybercrap, A short jibe at Peter Carroll's book "Psybermagick"
* The Psycho-Historic Mechanism of the Aeons, Carroll's theory of aeonics and aeonic currents
* Rituals and Spell Objectives and Design in Eight Magicks, Carroll's eight-color theory of magick based on the chaos-star and Terry Pratchett
* Sleight of Mind, Peter Carroll's Sleight of Mind techniques
* Where do we go from here?, Trying to second-guess occult revivals

Frater U:.D:.
* Austin Osman Spare and his Theory of Sigils, by Frater U.D.
* Egregore, Notes on the role of the historical egregore in modern magick
* Ice Magic, an initial view, A look at Ice Magick and an introduction to a larger book
* Ice Magick Wars, Some insight into the war involving Helmut, Carroll, and U:.D:.
* Letter From Germany No. 1, A look at German Occultism
* Letter From Germany No. 2, A further look at German Occultism
* Models of Magick, The five models of magick with explanations: Spirit model, Energy model, Psychological model, Information model, and Meta model.

* Apikorsus, An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick
* The Apocrypha Discordia, A companion volume to the Principia.
* Butt Prints in the Sand, "One night I had a wondrous dream..."
* Defining Fnords, What are fnords, anyway?
* Discordian Date PERL File, For calculating discordian dates, holydays, etc.
* Discordian Futhark, Consisting of, or course, just five runes
* Erisian Fiction, A piece of Erisian fiction. Suitably Discordian, hard to explain
* In Praise of Trinity, A discordian-inspired theorem that 3 is the most magnificent of all numbers
* Neophilic Irreligions, A Master's Thesis on the topic of Discordianism, The Church of the Subgeius, and Cthulhu Cults
* Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name
* The Principia Discordia, The bible of discordianism.
* The Stupid Book, A channelled text from Eris

Chaos Magick Miscellany
* Absurd Speculations, The absurd speculations that give chaos magicians a bad name
* Aetherics, Max K's perspectives on aetherics
* Aetherics Discussion on Damascus MUSH, Log file of a long discussion about aetherics and its use in magick
* Anti-Banishing, What constitutes a banishing ritual, anyway?
* Aspects of Chaosophy, Notes on Chaosophy from a member of the Moorish Orthodox Church
* Baphomet, One magician's perspective on working with this deity
* Basic Instructions In Self-hypnosis, Inducing self-hypnotic states for use in magick
* Cacodemonic Copulations, Conjuring and creating a demon lover for use in magick
* Cajegne Tajeed, A Ouranian Barbaric christmas carol to the tune of "Silent Night"
* Carousels and Chaos Magick and Manifestation of Magick, An experiential writing about a symbolic dream
* Chaos and Mr. E -- Don Webb Interviews Edred Thorsson, Edred Thorsson talks about Seidhr (seething), Ginnung, Chaos, Galdr, and more
* Chaos Bells, "Jingle Bells" for the chaotically-minded
* Chaos Lawyers, If lawyers wrote magick spells
* Chaos vs. Thelema?, On the differences between Chaos Magick and Thelema
* Comments on Ray Sherwin's Observations on Heirarchy in Majikal Practice, Martin Knutsen's comments on Sherwin's "Philosophical and Practical Objections to Heirarchical Structures in Magick"
* Counting Coup: Magical Combat for Fun and Training, A good way for magicians to get experience at a rarely taught magickal practice
* Crazy Chaos Surfer finds Personal Magickal Path, Thoughts on the discovery and pursuit of a personal path of magickal development
* Cross the Abyss?, There is no such thing as the Abyss, and crossing it was wondrous
* The Demiorgeous, Blind Idiot God, The gnostics and the tetragrammaton
* Dreaming Across Time, Parallel selves, dreaming, and creative derangement
* On Dreamscaping, An experimental guide to the programming and control of dreams
* Enlightenment As Everyday Life, Finding enlightenment as an intrinsic element of life instead of a transcendent one
* Ersatz Reality, A short rant about the nature of reality
* Exactly What Constitutes a Magickal Link?, Creating and using magickal links to affect things such as corporations
* Farewell to Burroughs, A fellow pact-member bids farewell to WSB
* Gematria of Nothing, An English Gematria that has become popular among several chaotes
* The Great Little Seafood Place of the Beast, Is Aleister Crowley alive and well in Valley, Alabama?
* Howling, Exploring the personal demons of the psyche
* Imagination, Beliefs, and "Rightness", Making distinctions, and recognizing value judgements
* Interpretation of Psychic Episodes, Exercising skepticism before jumping to psychic ability as a conclusion
* Into Thee Vortex, Kaos Magick---yet another perspective.
* K-Balls Explained, Chaotic irreverence for qabala
* Kaos Kabbalah, Qabala from a chaos-inspired mind
* Kaos Klub, Learning chaos magick to impress high school friends
* Kaos Majik Journal (Spring 1999), Kaos Majik Journal, Spring 1999
* Kinesthetic Magick, Body sensations and their use in magick
* King of the Castle: Magical Orders and Internal Schisms, Working with magickal groups
* Kiss the Sky! A Tantric Text on Channeling Babalon, Tantric Magick and the Babalon current
* Magick and Murder, Historic Legal Precedents for Magick and Murder
* Magickal Links: How To Attack a Corporate Entity, Creating sufficient links to perform magick on a target
* Musings on Modern Economics, The Church of Economics viewed with a hermetic twist
* Naked Lunch' novelist William S. Burroughs, dead at 83, The AP press release about WSB's death
* Neophilic Irreligions, A Master's Thesis on the topic of Discordianism, The Church of the Subgeius, and Cthulhu Cults
* Nothing Rant, Seek your desire and be damned
* Occam's Brillo Pad, Empirical data, speculation, and Occam's Brillo Pad
* Order and Chaos Essay, A piece of socratic logic regarding order and chaos
* Pandaemonaeon, Information, and Social Structures, An examination of the pandaeomonaeon
* Pandaemonaeon Magicks, Various items extracted from Phil Hine's "Prime Chaos"
* Parsons and Majestic-12, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Crowley, Majestic-12, the OTO, Scientology, Holes in space-time, Aliens, Naval Intelligentsia, and the Immanentization of the Eschaton---it's all a conspiracy!
* Possession, Causing and utilizing states of possession in magick
* Perceiving Energy, Insights into linguistic limitations of perception
* The Power of Mediocrity, Why the mundane man will always overpower the magickal man
* Practical Applications of the Chaosphere, Different neat things to do with a chaosphere
* The Problem with Magick Books, What gets recycled in most books about magick
* Rhaven's Alphabet, An example of a self-created magickal alphabet for personal use
* Satan Scare, What happens when good kids (whether satanist or chaote) try to be bad and evil
* Sensible Perspectives on Egolessness, Excerpt from Ken Wilber's "One Taste" about what "transcending" the ego really means
* Sex, but…not, A few simple tantric exercises
* A Short Note About Crossing The Abyss, The Abyss and Fear
* Sigil Structures, The Ka/OS approach to magick
* Skepticism, A Skeptical approach to magick as the necessary beginning to prove to yourself that magick is real.
* Source of "Immanentize the Eschaton", Insight into the source and meaning of the chaos magick catch-phrase "Immanentize the Eschaton"
* Supradimensionality, Attempting to understand and visualize greater physical dimensions
* Surreal Games, Surrealist games to spice up that next meeting of your magickal group
* Things You Don't Want to Hear a Chaos Magician Say, But you've probably heard them anyway
* Three Opinions Regarding the Abyss, Hickory, Dickory, and Dock offer their opinions
* Tools as Crutches, Discarding ritual tools to get at the "whole" truth
* Training, One magicians perspective on training in magick
* Questions and Answers on the Z(cluster), A few questions are answered about the Z(cluster)
* A Quick Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Learn to lucid dream within 30 days through habit-formation
* What is Satanism?, Clearing up all the common misconceptions
* Yes/No/I-Don't-Know: Simultaneous Belief, Seeing all sides and keeping a level head in every situation
* A Young Man's View of Chaos Magick in the Early 90's, Looking back at an entry into chaos magick
* Z-Chronicles 1.1, The first publication of the Z(cluster)
* Z-Chronicles 2.1, The second publication of the Z(cluster)
* Zen Werewolf's Tarot, A personally created tarot based on personal symbology
* ZMA Lectures, A lecture about magick given at the College Invisible
