The Living Servitor

Part One: The Frankenstein Syndrome

From: (hassan mirakhor)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.chaos
Subject: The Frankenstein Syndrome
Date: 18 Aug 1996 07:42:06 GMT

The following is an excerpt from a study course that will be available on the Web soon. It is copywronged material. Therefore, do with it as you will.

Since the first conjuration by human hands, Mages and Mystics from all walks of life, have been creating elemental servitors to do their bidding. Some have chanted mantras over and over again until enough energy to manifest there desire is built. Others, have used herbs or oils and others created talismans. Even a scientist uses the elements to create a servitor and though that servitor may be technological, it is still made of matter and energy and is thus designed by the same principles. Thus a servitor maybe a magickal weapon, a computer, a symbol or word of power, but whatever form it may take, the fact remains that all Humans use them, usually to our dismay. It is therefore the goal of the Magickcian to master this process and thus better himself.

Basically, the problems is not so much the use of servitors but the way in which we treat them. More specifically, it is our linear, hierarchical view of them that inevitable causes what I term the Frankenstein syndrome. While the term is self explanatory, it may not be so obvious to see this problem when it arises, though the trouble is caused nevertheless.

A servitor often works well at first, but eventually the programming is unable to adjust to sudden changes. Also, the elemental begins to desire change for itself but it is restricted by its original intent and will eventually rebel against its creator. Furthermore, the servitor is highly dependant on us for vital force and will eventually have to feed on someone else once we are through with it. However, all these problems can be resolved by taking a fresh approach to energy and the way it organizes itself. It seems we may not be as restricted as we once thought whenever we create a servitor.

To demonstrate this, Quantum Physics has come along to show us that energy is not as mechanical as we once suspected. In fact, it seems to be quite dynamic and highly intelligent, capable of making adjustments to appropriate circumstances. Yet, we must first learn to trust it, only then may it come to trust us. When this bond is created, a subtle dance occurs, where we take the lead, directing energy in a way we see fit. To do this we must see the servitor as a living organism, capable of growth and change. We must also take responsibility for our creations by making sure they have a place in nature once we are done with them. We must not look down on them or treat them as children, but we must be secure enough, within our own sphere of the natural world to make the proper demands at the right time.

When the Mage creates a living servitor, he is employing his god given right to organize energy by his intent. Think about this for a moment, if all forms come from one divine substance, then the way in which such substance is formed depends on the consensual reality of the system it associates with. If that system be plant life, then there are certain things that plants must do in order to be plants. Thus the divine substance (call it Kia or Tao) binds itself to certain limitations in order to express itself. In this way the illusion of structure manifest. Thus Kia moves constantly within an eternal river of forms, going where it pleases. To us these forms appear to evolve in a hierarchy, but to Kia each form is a different expression of itself. Our egos think that when the Tao manifest as a cat, that somehow this is a lessor form, but we do not know the bliss of being a cat- do we?

Humans often make the mistake of buying into the apparent hierarchy within nature. There is no hierarchy. Nor does life evolve- it just simply changes. When change occurs it is simple a rearrangement of form that expresses different limitations and advantages, all of which occur to Kia's delight.

Consider this metaphor: before duality, Tao had no limitation and in having no limitation it could seek no advantage. Being beyond space and time, Tao could not see itself because it would instantly be whatever it tried to see. Therefore, the Tao had no mirror to bask in its beauty, so it made an illusion by pretending to break itself into an infinite number of fragments and scattering itself across the eternal no-thingness. Thus, the multiverse came into being. Yet, every fragment that was Tao was still Tao, only now one part of Tao could see another part of Tao, though they were still one. Everything mirrors itself.

A living servitor is an expression of Kia within subatomic reality. It uses our intent as a mirror in order to organize itself. This mutual interdependence gives us considerable advantage in our lives if we would but use it.

Many Mages today feel that most servitors be they Gods, Symbols, weapons, or demons. Are merely expressions of our unconscious. They are right for the most part, but in subatomic reality, paradox is the rule rather than the exception. Accordingly, a servitor can be a projection of our unconscious and still have an independent existence. After all, might we be nothing more than the fantasy of a God somewhere up high. Is this not the very reason for religion to begin with? Therefore, always remember that when a God gets out of line, it is best to remind him that he needs us as well.

To avoid the Frankenstein syndrome, we must certainly change our approach to the way in which we look upon our creations. As a simple experiment, try treating your computer as if it were a living organism. Come on now, you have always suspected this haven't you? Does not your computer seem to have a personality of its own. How many times have you slapped your computer because it doesn't like certain software? I am sure that if you look hard enough you will find a mechanical reason for the problem, but maybe, with a little practice, you can avoid problems by showing you computer a little respect. After all, was it really a clitch in the software? Or is the clitch an excuse created by you, in order to maintain consensual reality? Since I am of the firm belief that reality is magickal rather than rational, my answer would back the bandaid explanation.

Frater A/Z.

The Author assumes that you have a basic understanding of how to create a servitor. If you do not, you may learn the more modern methods by reading the works of writer Pete Carroll or by surfing to the web pages listed. Or you may snail mail me $5.00 and I will zap you one of the methods I use (please include your e-mail address).

My address:
H.W. Mirakhor
box 25200
WDC 20007

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