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Acoustic Sigils, A method for making musical or acoustic sigils |
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Action Sigils, Ray Sherwin's method for sigilisation |
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Apikorsus, An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick |
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Austin Osman Spare and his Theory of Sigils, Frater U:.D:. demonstrates Austin Spare's methods of sigilisation |
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Baphomet Dual Sigil Rave Invocation, Hurling invocations between two participants |
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The Book of Pleasure (Self Love) -- The Psychology of Ecstasy, Spare's Magick--- sigils, the alphabet of desire, and more |
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Demons in the 'Net, An explanation of the famed 1994 TIAMAT working to banish demons from the internet---and the demons' retaliation |
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Don't Blame Me---Blame My Servitor, A history of the creation and evolution of the Fotamecus Time Manipulation Spirit |
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Egregore, Notes on the role of the historical egregore in modern magick |
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Egregore Definition Compilation, A compilation of various definitions of an egregore |
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Fireclown's Sigilization Basics for the Confused, Sigils got you confused? Sort it out with this short essay. |
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The Fluid Continuum --or-- What the F***'s an Egregore?, The relationship between sigils, servitors, egregores, and godforms and their logical progression |
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Fotamecus Empowerment Rite, The ritual that empowered Fotamecus to the point of egregore-hood |
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Fotamecus: Viral Time Compression/Expansion Servitor, The original Fotamecus Time Manipulation essay |
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The Living Servitor, How to take care of your servitors |
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Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name |
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The Santa Egregore, Contrary to popular belief, Santa Claus is quite real... |
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Servitor Creation: A Contemporary Approach, Fleshing out and empowering a skeletal sigil to create a servitor |
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Sigils, Servitors, and Godforms, Part I: Sigils, Part I (sigils) of Marik's insightful essay |
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Sigils, Servitors, and Godforms, Part II: Servitors, Part II (servitors) of Marik's insightful essay |
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Smuggling Sigils Across, Casting sigils for clients |
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Time Consumption -or- Yet Another Fotamecus Rite, Drawing the power of Fotamecus into yourself through kitchen magick |
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A Z(cluster) Servitor Thread, An early z-list thread about servitors |