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An Old Point That Bears Repeating, One of the most insightful and concise explanations of chaos magic to date |
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Chaos, Chaos is the field which underlies all things |
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Chaos Magick, Ray Sherwin's take on chaos, magickal groups, and teaching chaos |
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Chaos Magick and Morality, Uncle Chuckie's take on morality in Chaos Magick |
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Chaos Magick and Punk Rock, The rise and fall of chaos magick analogized to the rise and fall of punk rock |
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Chaos vs. Eclectic Magick, An excellent short explanation of Chaos Magick and Eclectic Magick |
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Crisis Magicians, Orders, Disorders, Lynx, and Lone Wolves, Insight into Orders and Disorders, and the people in them |
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Defining Chaos, Mark Chao's classic essay, a must-read for all chaotes |
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Fireclown's Basic Booklist, A dated but good short review and recommendation of critical Chaos Magick texts |
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The Fluid Continuum --or-- What the F***'s an Egregore?, The relationship between sigils, servitors, egregores, and godforms and their logical progression |
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Go Underground and be a Chaos Magician, An excerpt from "The Exorcist of Revolution" |
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An Introduction to Chaos Magick, A truly awful early chaos magick text about wicca, satanism, ceremonial magick, and chaos magick |
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Intuitive Magic, Peek behind the curtain… |
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Is it Real?, Is magick real? And the obvious answer is… |
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Kaos and Order, The difference between Kaos and chaos, according to Persona Navitae 353 |
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Learning to become a worse chaote, The nine steps to becoming an "I wanna be a black-magick-A.C.-amoral-psychopath" sort of chaos mage |
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Liber CCC, Chaos, Carroll, and Crowley---Fran Nowve's insights into their relationship |
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Models of Magick, The five models of magick with explanations: Spirit model, Energy model, Psychological model, Information model, and Meta model. |
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New Age or Chaos Magick, An excellent examination of the New Age paradigm in contract to Chaos Magick |
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Obituary for the Chaos Current, Stephen Sennitt's premature announcement of the death of chaos magick |
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Oven-Ready Chaos, Originally the "Condensed Chaos" chapbook that was the precursor to the book of the same name |
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Philosophical and Practical Objections to Heirarchical Structures in Magick, Ray Sherwin's objection to heirarchy, plublished when the IOT pact structure was instituted |
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The Vortex Rite, The Swiss-Army Knife of magickal spells |
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What is the Eschaton?, Clearing up common questions about the eschaton and its immanence |
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The Wishing Well, Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos |
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Why Chaotes are Such Assholes, Insight into why chaotes are perceived negatively |