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Absurd Speculations, The absurd speculations that give chaos magicians a bad name |
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Aetherics, Max K's perspectives on aetherics |
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Aetherics Discussion on Damascus MUSH, Log file of a long discussion about aetherics and its use in magick |
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Anti-Banishing, What constitutes a banishing ritual, anyway? |
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Aspects of Chaosophy, Notes on Chaosophy from a member of the Moorish Orthodox Church |
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Baphomet, One magician's perspective on working with this deity |
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Basic Instructions In Self-hypnosis, Inducing self-hypnotic states for use in magick |
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Cacodemonic Copulations, Conjuring and creating a demon lover for use in magick |
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Cajegne Tajeed, A Ouranian Barbaric christmas carol to the tune of "Silent Night" |
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Carousels and Chaos Magick and Manifestation of Magick, An experiential writing about a symbolic dream |
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Chaos and Mr. E -- Don Webb Interviews Edred Thorsson, Edred Thorsson talks about Seidhr (seething), Ginnung, Chaos, Galdr, and more |
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Chaos Bells, "Jingle Bells" for the chaotically-minded |
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Chaos Lawyers, If lawyers wrote magick spells |
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Chaos vs. Thelema?, On the differences between Chaos Magick and Thelema |
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Comments on Ray Sherwin's Observations on Heirarchy in Majikal Practice, Martin Knutsen's comments on Sherwin's "Philosophical and Practical Objections to Heirarchical Structures in Magick" |
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Counting Coup: Magical Combat for Fun and Training, A good way for magicians to get experience at a rarely taught magickal practice |
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Crazy Chaos Surfer finds Personal Magickal Path, Thoughts on the discovery and pursuit of a personal path of magickal development |
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Cross the Abyss?, There is no such thing as the Abyss, and crossing it was wondrous |
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The Demiorgeous, Blind Idiot God, The gnostics and the tetragrammaton |
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Dreaming Across Time, Parallel selves, dreaming, and creative derangement |
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On Dreamscaping, An experimental guide to the programming and control of dreams |
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Enlightenment As Everyday Life, Finding enlightenment as an intrinsic element of life instead of a transcendent one |
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Ersatz Reality, A short rant about the nature of reality |
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Exactly What Constitutes a Magickal Link?, Creating and using magickal links to affect things such as corporations |
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Farewell to Burroughs, A fellow pact-member bids farewell to WSB |
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Gematria of Nothing, An English Gematria that has become popular among several chaotes |
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The Great Little Seafood Place of the Beast, Is Aleister Crowley alive and well in Valley, Alabama? |
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Howling, Exploring the personal demons of the psyche |
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Imagination, Beliefs, and "Rightness", Making distinctions, and recognizing value judgements |
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Interpretation of Psychic Episodes, Exercising skepticism before jumping to psychic ability as a conclusion |
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Into Thee Vortex, Kaos Magick---yet another perspective. |
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K-Balls Explained, Chaotic irreverence for qabala |
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Kaos Kabbalah, Qabala from a chaos-inspired mind |
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Kaos Klub, Learning chaos magick to impress high school friends |
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Kaos Majik Journal (Spring 1999), Kaos Majik Journal, Spring 1999 |
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Kinesthetic Magick, Body sensations and their use in magick |
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King of the Castle: Magical Orders and Internal Schisms, Working with magickal groups |
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Kiss the Sky! A Tantric Text on Channeling Babalon, Tantric Magick and the Babalon current |
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Magick and Murder, Historic Legal Precedents for Magick and Murder |
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Magickal Links: How To Attack a Corporate Entity, Creating sufficient links to perform magick on a target |
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Musings on Modern Economics, The Church of Economics viewed with a hermetic twist |
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Naked Lunch' novelist William S. Burroughs, dead at 83, The AP press release about WSB's death |
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Neophilic Irreligions, A Master's Thesis on the topic of Discordianism, The Church of the Subgeius, and Cthulhu Cults |
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Nothing Rant, Seek your desire and be damned |
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Occam's Brillo Pad, Empirical data, speculation, and Occam's Brillo Pad |
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Order and Chaos Essay, A piece of socratic logic regarding order and chaos |
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Pandaemonaeon, Information, and Social Structures, An examination of the pandaeomonaeon |
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Pandaemonaeon Magicks, Various items extracted from Phil Hine's "Prime Chaos" |
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Parsons and Majestic-12, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Crowley, Majestic-12, the OTO, Scientology, Holes in space-time, Aliens, Naval Intelligentsia, and the Immanentization of the Eschaton---it's all a conspiracy! |
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Possession, Causing and utilizing states of possession in magick |
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Perceiving Energy, Insights into linguistic limitations of perception |
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The Power of Mediocrity, Why the mundane man will always overpower the magickal man |
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Practical Applications of the Chaosphere, Different neat things to do with a chaosphere |
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The Problem with Magick Books, What gets recycled in most books about magick |
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Rhaven's Alphabet, An example of a self-created magickal alphabet for personal use |
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Satan Scare, What happens when good kids (whether satanist or chaote) try to be bad and evil |
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Sensible Perspectives on Egolessness, Excerpt from Ken Wilber's "One Taste" about what "transcending" the ego really means |
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Sex, but…not, A few simple tantric exercises |
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A Short Note About Crossing The Abyss, The Abyss and Fear |
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Sigil Structures, The Ka/OS approach to magick |
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Skepticism, A Skeptical approach to magick as the necessary beginning to prove to yourself that magick is real. |
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Source of "Immanentize the Eschaton", Insight into the source and meaning of the chaos magick catch-phrase "Immanentize the Eschaton" |
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Supradimensionality, Attempting to understand and visualize greater physical dimensions |
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Surreal Games, Surrealist games to spice up that next meeting of your magickal group |
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Things You Don't Want to Hear a Chaos Magician Say, But you've probably heard them anyway |
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Three Opinions Regarding the Abyss, Hickory, Dickory, and Dock offer their opinions |
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Tools as Crutches, Discarding ritual tools to get at the "whole" truth |
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Training, One magicians perspective on training in magick |
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Questions and Answers on the Z(cluster), A few questions are answered about the Z(cluster) |
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A Quick Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Learn to lucid dream within 30 days through habit-formation |
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What is Satanism?, Clearing up all the common misconceptions |
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Yes/No/I-Don't-Know: Simultaneous Belief, Seeing all sides and keeping a level head in every situation |
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A Young Man's View of Chaos Magick in the Early 90's, Looking back at an entry into chaos magick |
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Z-Chronicles 1.1, The first publication of the Z(cluster) |
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Z-Chronicles 2.1, The second publication of the Z(cluster) |
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Zen Werewolf's Tarot, A personally created tarot based on personal symbology |
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ZMA Lectures, A lecture about magick given at the College Invisible |