Perceiveing Energy
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 18:25:05 -0400
To: zee-list
From: "Tz'Akh"
Subject: Re: [zee-list] Magick level and such
>on another note, It is not unreasonable to assume that higher levels of
>magick have some effect on the developement of human physiology, afterall
>chances of mutation increase which may see (in time) the developement of
>new faculties in the human race...but that would take many generations to
>have any visible effect...
i've been rather put out recently be the general assumptions that we make
about 'human faculities' and what sense we have. We're existing in a
universe full of energy which in various forms has wavelength, amplitude,
cohesion and/or patterns, etc - and given the larger issue of energy states
in the universe what is the relation of the 'classical' senses to these
energy states?
Taking the popularly accepted and taught sense we see that taste, smell,
and to some degree touch, are chemical interactions with the world around
us. Whenever we bring something in contact with our tongue there is a
chemical exchange between the two and that chemical exchange sends of
electrical impulses to our brain, which then interprets those signals to
allows us to know 'what is happening out there'. The same applies for our
nose as well, the difference in is in the relative sensitivity. Our nose
can pick up faint traces of matter, particles so small that they may be
carried by small air currents. The nose is attuned to these, relatively,
small traces of matter but it is poor at interacting with larger quantities
of material. Our tongue, however is better suited to deal with larger
objects and discern information about them.
Our sense of touch is the next step of this interaction, for it too can
have chemical interactions with material objects, but is suited to deal
with them differently in so many ways. While the tongue and nose are sense
organs from bringing material inside our body and incorporating things with
the world, our skin is an external organ. it's a safety measure, allowing
us a separation from the things we are investigating by not taking them
inside our body. the trade-off is that we have a lower level of
sensitivity than oral or nasal sensation. however, for this trade we
receive an additional dimension of sensation - we receive the ability to
sense certain energies - namely: heat, light and vibration.
Before continuing with this line of thought it is prudent to insert that
some of these manifestations of energy, as well as other not yet defined,
may not entirely be tactile sensations. The english language and the
proponents of it have a tendency of saying that something is 'felt' and
having that wrap all of sound, heat, and light when a person is being
clearer-sighted, when indeed some of these sensations are perhaps not being
picked up by our skin but by our bodies as a whole. Certain frequencies of
vibration fall into this category. our skin primarily senses light on the
surface, but what of the higher wavelengths of energy - when light turns
into x-rays and other states typically labeled 'radiation'? These
penetrate deeper than our skin and may not be sensed by the skin,
individually, at all. yet because of our language we attribute our
perceptions of these other energies to our skin and our sense of touch
because that's how our language indoctrinates us to think.
Our eyes and ears are organs more attuned to the sensation of
energies. Our ears can detect wavelengths of energy that are 20 - 20,000
Hz range. this bandwidth of energy is significantly below the broadcast
radio range, yet right in between the ELF/ULF range. 13 orders of
magnitude above that our eyes kick in and pick up pretty much everything in
the 2.7 PHz range. Yet we can sense heat through our skin and our bodies
in general; heat which is in the 2.7 - 270 THz range. The eyes and skin
encompass a sizable section of the electromagnetic spectrum, but there is a
large, apparent, gap between heat and sound. However, research with
faraday cages and other means of screening RF and other nearby forms of
electromagnetic energy has shown that humans are aware of these wavelengths
of energy. We typically do not notice these energies because we are
constantly awash in them. Since we can be made aware of them show that we
have some 'sense' for these types of energies; our bodies have an
interaction with them, therefore we must be able to sense them in some
manner. Given that we will become sick if exposed to certain frequencies
of energy in the electro-magnetic spectrum (microwaves, high power radio
frequencies, and X-rays on up) we must have an interaction with them. Our
bodies must know about them, if not tissues and organs would not be
affected and damaged by them. The ability to sense these frequencies of
energy must simply be a matter of attunement.
the primary reason we do not perceive more is because we aren't raise with
the basis for understanding 'those things beyond us'. if we had games and
exercises for our children that would facilitate sense of those energies
that most people aren't even aware of then children would grow up with
sensations of the universe that people today don't even have a frame of
reference for. People need to be raised with better perceptual models
"the children shall pay for the sins of the parents"