Beyond the Wall of Sleep Rite
by The Antlerhead (Jason Louv)
"The sorry planet shell being well-nigh spent, in less
than an hour my fellow would be free to pursue the
oppressor along the Milky Way and past the hither
stars to the very confines of infinity."
--H.P. Lovecraft, Beyond the Wall of Sleep (1919)
As any adept of so-called "magic" should know, the
key to occult power is altered states of
consciousness. To briefly paraphrase the last several
thousand years of development in the magical arts,
"magic" is achieved by first attaining an altered state
(the currently favored term for such is "gnosis"), in
which the subconscious and reality itself is
susceptible to reprogramming, and then firing a
desire in symbolized form into the subconscious.
This is the given; what is uncertain is exactly what
constitutes "gnosis." The various occult sourcebooks
available on the open market rarely go into the
subject, if they even bring it up at all. Aleister Crowley
recommended strenuous yogic exercises, which is
somewhat excessive and will only lead to
unnecessary pain for most; Austin Osman Spare and
his children in the IOT make explicit reference to it but
leave it up to the solitary practitioner to determine
exactly what it is. All well and good, but there is a
tendency among recent initiates to get hung up on
what amount to lower rungs on the ladder to gnosis:
the physical sensation of insubstantiality, for
So here is an extended ritual I created to attain that
most rare of spiritual states through an inhibitory
route. With some practice, anybody can do this, and
its use does not have to be explicity magical. All
bullshit "reality-engineering" theories aside, this is a
very practical and potent exercise that, with frequent
use, should make you happier, more in touch with
yourself and the universe, and open the door to
positive change in your life.
Note: This ritual has been written with the novice or
non-magician in mind, but those with occult
experience should easily be able to streamline it for
their own use.
Beyond the Wall of Sleep Rite
- Get into a relaxed physical and mental state. This
could involve taking a hot bath, doing stretching
exercises, taking a quiet walk around the block, or
anything else you feel appropriate. Know that you are
about to visit a place inside yourself that you have
probably never been before; you are about to be shot
into space, literally as well as figuratively.
- Sit in a comfortable position with your back
supported--sitting in the "Lotus Asana" (legs folded
and back straight with hands on knees) can be
especially potent, as you have been trained by
Hollywood since your early childhood to see it as a
position of spiritual power. Laying down on a hard
surface can also work, but be careful not to arrange
yourself in a position that suggests sleep, such as
laying on a bed. Close your eyes and remain
completely still.
- Banish. This consists of letting your subconscious
know that you are about to do something important.
To accomplish this you can do anything from
visualizing relaxing light travelling up your body to
counting down from a hundred to one to performing a
full banishing ritual. Do whatever works for you, but
once you are done know that the ritual has begun and
you are now in the presence of the infinite and
- Begin light Pranayama while repeating a mantra in
your head. Basically, begin to breathe fully and
deeply, slowing your breathing as much as you can
without experiencing discomfort, and filling your lungs
completely. Let your entire being slowly fill to the brim
with oxygen and then just as slowly let it out.
Concentrate fully on your lungs. At the same time,
begin to repeat a meaningless mantra in your head,
like "yip-yap," "abracadabra," "zipzap," or
"sendjasonmoney." This should have the effect of
silencing the conscious mind's internal monologue of
doubt and derision and opening the being to new
levels of consciousness. It is essential that you
silence the mind; the minute you begin
intellectualizing or questioning what you're doing is
the minute you break trance. After about ten or fifteen
minutes of this you should start feeling an amazing
physical sensation somewhat akin to a marijuana
high. With practice this state will become much
easier to attain, and you will eventually be able to
enter it at a moment's notice.
- This is the first level of gnosis. You should feel
completely weightless, as if you are drifting in mental
space. Stop the mantra--at this point your mind
should be able to function normally without breaking
trance, although any motion or frivolous thought will
still return you to normal consciousness. At this point
the body has been altered, but the mind still needs to
be blown. You must occupy your mind with a
meditation exercise known as "Neither-Neither," a
technique for breaking down mental presuppositions
and stereotypes. To do this, start by taking a basic
duality--say, good and evil. First, consider "good,"
everything about it, in and out. Second, consider "evil."
Next, consider both of them in combination. Finally
(and this is the hardest), consider the abscence of
both of them, a state where neither good nor evil exist.
This exercise generates a mental energy known as
"free belief," "vacuity," or "magic mirror," unharnessed
willpower in its purest state, which we a born with a
full tank of and then spend and run out of as we get
older and are "educated." Magic Mirror (a meme that
shows up in everything from the writings of the
ancient Gnostics to modern vodoun to comic books)
is the energy which fuels all acts of sorcery and
creativity. It is easy to spend but very difficult to get
back. Those who maintain a full tank of magic mirror
throughout their lives are easy to spot, as are those
who have completely exhausted theirs. This exercise
is one way to get yours back in droves. As a side
result of continued practice with this ritual, you will not
only feel more vital and alive, but you will also realize
how many of the things you hold to be true, from your
fundamental belief in your own worthlessness to the
very unbreakable laws of the universe itself, are
completely without validity, and to be blunt, are
parasitical lies forced upon you by a society and
reality that wants you to be a silent, mindless worker
bee. Neither-Neither is an act of personal liberation .
Continue the Neither-Neither exercise for about fifteen
or twenty minutes, until you have a large amount of
freed energy to work with. Use anything for the
meditation--alive/dead, me/them, dark/light, anything;
pick things at random. It is only the generated energy
that matters. Feel the energy--visualize it in whatever
way seems appropriate to you, but know that it is
there. With practice you should be able to see the
energy as clearly as you are seeing these words right
- Each Neither-Neither should shoot you farther into
gnosis. After fifteen or twenty minutes, consider the
Neither-Neither "Awake-Asleep." This is the zen
trigger that will establish the second level of gnosis.
At this point all subconscious resistance should
vanish. Realize that nobody is watching you. There is
no reason to doubt. You can do anything.
- Now return to heavy and full breathing, deeper than
the previous go, and completely blank your mind;
don't even use the mantra. This is harder than it
sounds, and takes practice. All thoughts entering your
mind must be forcibly pushed out until you are
completely devoid of conscious processes. Take as
long as you need. Nobody's watching. There's no
reason to pretend you're no good at this kind of thing
- Once you have attained mental silence, consider
the Neither-Neither "self/universe." Considering both
in combination should attain the third level of
gnosis--unity with the macrocosm, the infinite, God.
There is no way to describe this state, even to call it a
"state" or to supply a method to attain it limits it. You
have to be there, and once you are, all bets are off.
Good luck.
- You can stay in this state as long as you want, and
can use it to fuel acts of will if you desire.
- Coming down will take awhile. Banishing in some
way is a good idea. It is also important to record your
experience--write down when you did it, any factors
that may have influenced performance, any difficulties
you had, and what results you got. Continued practice
should also be recorded so that you can note your
progress. Each performance should increase your
comfort, well-being, and the states of gnosis which
you are able to attain. I would be very interested to
see any results you get and will post some of them
on my site if you wish me to. You can email me any
records at
Note: If this proves to difficult to perform, I recommend
starting with a less strenuous course of study which
will make this ritual much easier to perform. Try Peter
Carroll's Liber MMM, or, for the truly masochistic,
Aleister Crowley's Liber E vel Excertitorium sub figura
It should also be noted that this exercise is only what I
found to work for me, you should feel free to change
and mutate it to better suit your own use, and I would
be glad to hear of any improvements you make.
The Antlerhead (Jason Louv) is a commitedly
post-nowist writer, artist, and freeform mage. He
maintains a webpage at
which he wants you to visit now, and can be reached
©2000 Jason Louv. All rights reserved.