Yes Rick, stories of the IOT's demise are greatly exaggerated. For an organization that is allegedly dead we certainly have a trait unheard of in a dead anything; we are a growing, dynamic organization.
Essentially the "history" of the IOT in America can be divided into several distinct periods of time. The first was the period of time beginning with the inception of Temple Oblivion and Ended with the resignation or excommunication of the first US Sectionhead - Lola Babalon . The second period goes from then until when Bob/Fra. Corvus became sole Sectionhead (and when Kenneth Stone, formally co-Sectionhead with Bob, leaving the Pact. I believe this occurred in the Summer of 1992.) The third was the period of Bob being Sectionhead and later sole head of the IOT, ending with his death in October of 1995. The fourth extends from Oct. of 1995 to Jan. of 1997. This is the period in which Fra. Areon was Sectionhead and pretty much amounts to an "interregnum" - where some changes were made but much of what was initiated in the "Bob Era" remained intact. The fifth, or current stage, began in Feb. of 1997 when Fra. Grand Poobah (myself) became co-Sectionhead with Sor. Sonata.
The above division is fairly arbitrary and allowances could be given in many different directions with regard to such a division of time.
However, I also made the above categorization based upon concurrent problems which occurred: major turn-overs in membership and changes in policy. For example: Lola was excommunicated by Fra. Corvus because she sided with Ralph Tegtmeier and his charismatic-cult approach to the IOT.
Kenneth Stone was also removed by Fra Corvus for opposing the direction in which the Pact was heading. (And also for deliberately mis-leading and lying about his activities to fellow Pact members.) In some respects his actions were in direct response to the siege mentality which had developed between the Temples in San Francisco and the Temple in LA, ie: between him and Bob. Both of them played dirty and in the end, Kenneth left the Pact.
I would like to point out that he took A LOT of people with him. I've directed much of my efforts to specifically getting those people back. After all, they left because of Bob, and Bob is dead. Moreover, we don't throw people out for disagreeing with the Sectionhead, we engage them in discussion and see if we can either change our stance (in the case of being wrong) change theirs (in the case of them being wrong) or change both positions (in the case of each side having valid points to make.
Anyway, we find ourselves in 1992 (the year I joined) and the year that Kenneth and many others left the Pact. In the end, only those who straddled the fence and those who sided with Bob were left. Generally speaking, the "fence-sitters" quietly left, a few at the time. That left only two types of Pact members; those too stubborn to leave and Bob's sycophants. It remained like that for the next 3 years. While some were initiated, an equal number (or greater) left. Bob's death left the Pact with almost as few members as it had when it started in America.
Fra. Areon had become Sectionhead when Bob became head of the entire IOT sometime in 1994, (March I think.) He was never truly able to shake the accusations that he was Bob's lap-dog or lackey - despite the fact that he is an excellent magician and reasonable guy and did not strangle the IOT in the way Bob did. However, he did defend the changes that Bob had made and also defended Bob's actions while he was Sectionhead.
During Fra. Areon's tenure as Sectionhead many of those who left the Pact were what I have called "Bob's sycophants". To them, a Pact without Bob was just no Pact at all. So when I say that the American Pact was in a sorry state when I became Sectionhead, I'm not exaggerating. Fortunately, those who were left fell into the "too stubborn to leave" category. The temples which remained were all composed of git 'ard chaos magicians who didn't give a rat's ass for politics, mind games or rivalry.
Those who remain usually form a pretty solid front though there is always room for dissent. Much of that contention has led the way for the formation of new administrative policies designed to get things going at a quicker pace. (A pace equivalent to that of the German, Austrian & English Sections.) That contention has also kept the fires going, so to speak. It is in what direction that fire will turn which most interests me now.
America presents unique challenges to the running of a large chaos magick organization. Distance makes continental networking next to impossible. To meet with these difficulties it was decided to de-centralize and at the same time to democratize the process of organization. We are also utilizing the tools technology provides to bridge the gap of miles, which separate the various temples.
With the creation of various intra-Pact networks we shall face the 21rst century not only intact but take a progressively more pro-active stance. (Much along the line of Hakim Bey's Tong concept.) The Pact Americas will become a threat to the old aeonic, anti-chaotic groups and form a wedge of illuminated individuals, spreading discord among other established and stagnating orders; as well as maintaining its reputation for being the best there is.
Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself. Perhaps no one will truly care in a few years time. Perhaps everyone, including Chaos Magicians will be content to simply drag themselves through their lives and whine and complain about "the system"without attempting to strike back. But I'm banking on the opposite.
I suppose I've gone from historian to preacher here.