If [these] words be recited by the spirit when he
shall come to the Seven Arits, and as he entereth the doors, he shall neither be
turned back nor repulsed before Osiris, and he shall be made to have his being
among the blessed spirits, and to have dominion among the ancestral followers of
Osiris. If these things be done for any spirit he shall have his being in that
place like a lord of eternity in one body with Osiris, and at no place shall any
being contend against him.
The Seventh Arit.
The name of the Doorkeeper is Sekhmet-em-tsu-sen. The
name of the Watcher is Aa-maa-kheru. The name of the Herald is Khesef-khemi.
The Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, shall say [when he cometh to
this Arit]: "I have come unto thee, O Osiris, being purified from foul
emissions. Thou goest round about heaven, thou seest Ra, thou seest the beings
who have knowledge. [Hail], thou, ONE! Behold, thou art in the Sektet Boat which
traverseth the heavens. I speak what I will to his Sahu (Spirit-body). He is
strong, and cometh into being even [as] he spake. Thou meetest him face to face.
Prepare thou for me all the ways which are good [and which lead] to thee."