Or -- and this may be worst of all -- you may do both. Oh thou who wrote of evil things remember : they always are inspired by Ye Evil Ones you shall meet after your passing, so turn your dark thoughts to repentment and prayer since ye road to Hell is much shorter than what you believe : do not let you wicked soul to become as dark as this page. We hunt a horror that feeds on human tears . . . After the western horizon's blood turns black, and all through the dusky hours, I, in my solitude, roam the far flung realms of time. In ancient halls with brazen censers smoldering, strange shadows dance across vaulted ceilings and curtains of rich velvet. And those stone chambers ring with echoes of the twisted language of conjuration, lighted by the glow of otherworldly powers. The walls meet at impossible angles and there tread unearthly fiends that are deranged nightmares come to life. Frozen by fear, I remain unseen. And ere a tint of rose in the east heralds the coming dawn I am released from my nocturnal wanderings and am allowed to return from whence I came beyond the wall of sleep. Only then do all those things vanish and be gone with the morning mist until my awakening once again gives them life. While traveling from island to island, I heard many tales of ancient and forgotten lore. Although I dismissed many of these stories as nonsensical superstitions, I found ye tale of Orobla singularly significant. It evoked half remembered feelings that I had not felt since I had slept in ye ancient city of many pillared Irem. Hearken unto ye incessant prattle that constantly spewed forth from ye many mouths of Orobla, ye Beast of ye forgotten lies, "Does ye horrid face of Boac-Treth tolerate frail human cowardice? You know that it can not. Such is its nature. So why, I say again unto you, why do you not arise and strike down ye blasphemers who would deny ye ultimate truth? You know your cowardice will not be tolerated. Ye wrath of ye Old Ones will surely fall upon you all! Do you not feel ye dreams of ye one who sleeps beneath ye waves? Do you hope that he will be pleased by your pathetic nature when his harsh gaze falls upon you? No. Surely, he shall devour you with all of ye others who have forgotten ye way! How can you continue to behave in such a frail and inconstant manner when all of you have seen ye wondorus lens of ye moon and ye crucible of eternal vitae? You puny beings are as worthless as so much excrement. I will laugh with joy when Yog-Sothoth and his favored son appear. They together shall set aright all that has been mislaid. I shall dance upon many legs when ye cloven feet of ye Goat with a Thousand Young pounds ye infidels back into ye dust from which they arose. I will be as one with ye dark minion himself, ye one who walks abroad in ye form of a man, but is not a man. I speak of he whose faces are as numerous as there are stars in ye heavens. His vicous rage needs not be mentioned for his way is known to all men. You should fear evoking his wrath for he is ye left hand of ye center, ye voice of ye ultimate destruction." Such was ye way that Orobla would speak. It had expounded in this incessant manner for hours and days and years unnumbered, always cursing ye reticent nature of its many followers. Until that fortold day when ye moon was as crimson and flaming steel fell from ye stars. Upon that very day, when ye ruddy sphere hung at its apex like a severed head, ye Beast of forgotten lies was silent. Orobla has not uttered a sound since. His priests,who hide amongst ye men and women of Crete, reverently proclaim that when Orobla speaks again ye world shall be undone. They claim that R'leyh shall be hurled into ye sky and Cthulhu and his kind shall be freed to rule once again. I know not if I should believe all of ye strange tales they told me, but ye previous legend was told with such conviction that I felt compelled to record it.
I live, I will die, I will leave, I WILL come again. Through the ages I have lived, secluded under the impass- able mountains of the unknown Kaddath, but now having dis- pelled the arcane powers that kept me imprisioned, I have returned, and I am here to wreak fiery death and chaos upon your lowly race. Behold the Power of Axn-Xcamr the all power- ful Keeper of the Yellow Sign, he who is dead yet lives!
Nay! Dead Cthulhu lies not dreaming, rather, listen to the rhythm of
the waves, for they tell the fell story of a noisome day to come, when
Cthulhu shall spew forth from dead R'Lyeh to lead his minions on a rampage
of slaughter throughout the unsuspecting world.... Humans are such foolish creatures.... They know not of the Dark, of the Things Within, of Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu, or Shub-Niggaroth. Few of the foolish creatures, Bolder, if less sane than the rest, Choose to learn, to understand. To find the secrets of the Night, to learn that which none should know.
There will come a day when they will walk amongst you. They will not be
able to be seen for what they are by normal folk. Only those amonst you
with true faith will be able to detect their evil and be able to stop
them. The night things are called forth Death calls and a new journey am I become If I should while I am awake All these things I have seen I am become The Darkness waits, the febrile moon Ia! Io! Mine eyes are rent by glorious destruction! |
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of ye Dead Names ![]() |