[ C h a o s   M a t r i x ]
Chaos Magick
Other Magick
Occult Humor
Digital Books
Recent Changes

20 August 2019
  • Technical: Behind the scenes stuff. Prep for Chaos Matrix ver. 7
  • Technical: Missed a tag... twelve years ago. (It's fixed now.)
18 August 2007
  • Technical: Reprogrammed moon phases calendar on front page to display the proper year's information (old script was broken).
  • General: Added announcement regarding the Chaos Matrix Educational Organization to News
22 July 2006
  • Library: Added author/date information to The Chronicles of the Bizarre
  • Library: Continued research on copyright issues for Chaos Matrix articles; attempts to track down authors.
11 July 2006
  • Library: Fixed 14 broken links on Miscellaneous Magick-Related Files
  • Library: Fixed a handful of other broken links scattered around the site, mostly to external sources.
  • Technical: Minor tweaks and fixes throughout the site code; some visible, most not.
08 July 2006
  • Technical: New host secured; website moved; Chaos Matrix resurrected from it's locked in static version.
  • Technical: Corrections made to an error in the counter script that caused renumbering from 0 past 99,999. Plans for a real counter script put on the fix-it list.
06 January 2003
  • Technical: Minor tweaks to file list pages to correct display errors in some browsers.
  • Library: Corrections to some broken links; many others still to be corrected.
  • General: Addition of Counters Page to track statistics in one location.
05 January 2003
  • General: Chaos Matrix comes back online after 8 months of downtime.
  • Library: Library contents restored, other non-critical files pending.
